Business and property owners in the Town of Warsaw began organizing in 2015 to revitalize the area around the intersection of Highway 360 and Main Street.
The Town received a planning grant from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to produce a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) and hire a team of consultants to develop the Warsaw Business District Revitalization Plan.
The Plan was used by the Northern Neck Planning District Commission to assist the Town of Warsaw to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application, in March 2017, to implement the following activities:
1 – Business District Revitalization Activities
- Façade improvements from the intersection of Highway 360 (Richmond Road) and Main Street, going north along Main Street for about three blocks
- The design and installation of wayfaring signage (gateway signs and directional signs)
- The installation of public improvements: landscaping, street furniture, and pedestrian crosswalks.
- Coordinated branding and marketing for the Business District
- The development of a marketing website and a marketing plan for the Town
- The collaboration of the Warsaw Main Street Affiliate organization with the Northern Neck Tourism Commission (NNTC) and the Virginia Tourism Corporation
- A private investor will develop the “Corner Triplex” at the entrance of the Project Area
2 – Revolving Loan Fund
- The creation of a $150,000 fund for loans to businesses in the Project Area. One full-time-equivalent (FTE) job will be created for every $10,000 loaned out, and at least 51% of the jobs created will be held by Low- and Moderate-Income (LMI) individuals
3 – Drainage / Stormwater Management
- Improvements to the Project Area’s stormwater drainage. These improvements follow the recommendations of the Stormwater Runoff Study commissioned by the Town, and the funding requested from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development will act as leverage for loan funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.