PDC News

2023 Officers Elected for Northern Neck Planning District Commission

Warsaw—The Northern Neck Planning District Commission (NNPDC) honored outgoing Chairman Jason Bellows at its Quarterly Dinner Meeting in April. Bellows served as Chairman of the NNPDC since January 2019 and agreed to extend his term as Chairman when the meeting schedule was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Effective April 17, 2023, the NNPDC’s new officers for a two-year term are: James Long, Chairman; Darryl Fisher, Vice Chairman; Lee Sanders, Treasurer; and Jason Bellows, Immediate Past Chairman.

The NNPDC’s leadership rotates among the four member-counties of the NNPDC: Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond and Westmoreland.

The NNPDC consists of sixteen members, chosen by each County’s Board of Supervisors, comprising elected officials and citizen members. The NNPDC provides technical assistance and oversees regional programs including business district revitalization, environmental projects, economic development, tourism promotion, transportation planning, ridesharing, housing assistance, and other planning and administrative functions that support local government. The NNPDC’s office is in Warsaw at The Regional Center. Details on projects and programs are available on the website, northernneck.us.

Incoming Chairman James Long (left) presents Jason Bellows, Chairman of the NNPDC, 2019-2023, with a plaque expressing the NNPDC’s appreciation for his leadership at the NNPDC Quarterly Meeting in Burgess on April 17, 2023.


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