Transportation Projects in Virginia are scored by the SMART SCALE Process , which is about picking the right transportation projects to ensure the best use of limited tax dollars.
For the Northern Neck region, the following projects are in different phases of the application process:
FY17 Projects
Project ID: 623
Project Title: Rte 3 Passing Lanes Between Potomac Mills and Flat Iron
Public Application
District: Fredericksburg
Organization Name: Westmoreland County
Total Cost (HB2 Cost): $12,750,000.00 ($11,504,960.00)
Funded: Y
FY2018 Applications
Application ID: 1468
Title: Norris Bridge
District: Fredericksburg
Amount Requested: $250,000,000
Funding: Statewide High Priority
Application ID: 1211
Title: Construct Passing Lanes on Route 3 near Lerty
District: Fredericksburg
Organization Name: Westmoreland County
Amount Requested: $14,700,000
Funding: Both
Transportation Plans, Reports, and Studies
Route 3 Northern Neck Corridor Improvement Study – November 2016
Northern Neck Coordinated Human Service Mobility Plan – September 2013
Barge Service Study – 2013
Rural Transportation Plan – May 2012
VDOT Day Ride Report – September 2012
Transportation Corridor Protection Plan – 2000