Montross Revitalization


The Town of Montross’s revitalization initiative began in 2007 with an update of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, whose goals included the revitalization of the downtown business district.

With the assistance of the Northern Neck Planning District Commission, the Town applied for funding from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development to go through the planning process and produce a revitalization plan, which was the basis for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application.

The grant was awarded to the Town in 2013. The project included improving building facades, landscaping, the installation of street lights, benches, trash receptacles, signage, and pedestrian crosswalks. A revolving-loan fund complemented the job-creation element of the project. A marketing website was created to promote the new Montross and invite visitors and residents to “Return to the Village.” And the painting of murals (a first for a CDBG project) added to the beauty of the Town.

The project was completed in 2015. In addition to the $530,000 invested by DHCD, private investment and VDOT road improvement brought the total investment to over a million dollars.















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